July22: Day of action against transnational corporations

Dear comrades, as in past years, we invite you to join us on July 22. That day was established as the World Day against Coca Cola during the Social Forum in Porto Alegre in 2003. Since then, July 22 has been a day of activities to show and alert about the power and impact of transnational corporations on the planet. There are many examples and many areas where these policies are manifested, environmental issues, labor rights, human rights, war, terror, destruction, dependency, etc.
At this moment there are thrown 6.5 million liters of crude oil every day into the gulf of Mexico, destroying life in this Caribbean area by BP, who did not take the necessary measures for the exploitation of oil in the deep sea. This same company lays off workers and destroys the environment in Colombia. Other companies such as Shell, BHP Billiton, Fonterra, Drummond, Chiquita Brands, among others, also apply anti ethical and criminal behavior.

There are campaigns against Coca Cola, OXI, Repsol, and Nestlé; against the latter, because of labor problems, death and persecution of trade unionists in Colombia and its contribution to environmental damage and the destruction of forests in Indonesia where they grow palm oil for their products.

The companies from the chemical-pharmaceutical sector appropriate the wisdom of native peoples to feed their pharmaceutical research and create genetically modified plants to ensure the sale of their medicines and their pesticides. Many countries are now indebted in their effort to buy antiviral drugs against the swine flu, product of the widespread panic released to ensure the profit of European and American laboratories. Auto companies refused to produce cars more compatible to environmental concerns. Banks manage the world and blackmail companies to ensure their profits and keep their power in the world.

These are only some examples showing the role of transnational corporations. This serious situation is not product of an individual company, but it is the functioning, the purpose of capitalism which brings with it destruction, violence and death to maximize profits and control the markets. The economic crisis that currently afflicts us is a clear expression of the voracity of the system, which now seeks to resolve it through greater exploitation of the workers, making them poorer and violently plundering the natural resources.

"Let the rich pay for the crisis" is the slogan of the majority of the current struggles where popular sectors and workers defend their rights.

We invite the social and human rights organizations and all those affected by the policies of the transnational corporations, to adhere to the great International Day to be held in different countries on July 22, as an expression of protest against exploitation, poverty, hunger, war, so that we do not become the ones who pay for the crisis. We invite you to incorporate in your action agendas July 22.

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Sindicato de los Químicos Unificados del Brasil
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores del Sistema Agroalimentario  “SINALTRAINAL” de Colombia
BaSo (Basisinitiative Solidarität) de Alemania
Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET) de Australia
Kolumbienkampagne Berlin, Alemania
kanalB, Berlin Alemania
AK Internationalismus IG Metall, Berlin, Alemania
Movimiento Popular Regional -  Colombia
Articulación Estudiantil por la Universidad de Cundinamarca AEPUC - Colombia